Estimating for Iteration

with Thin Vertical Slices and Story Points

Taylor Smith

Product Manager @ Very

tsmith512 on Github, LinkedIn,, Twitter, and Instagram.

Certified Scrum Product Owner®

Let's talk about Scrum…

By Lakeworks - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0

…to manage our projects. I see estimating by complexity and building vertically to be the most useful parts of this system.

So a new project comes in…

Clients have big wishlist items.

Big wishlist items are called epics

Let's call that an epic.

A “big ticket/story” or large piece of functionality. Not actionable or easy to estimate because of its size, complexity, or numerous parts.

What to do with an epic?

Different components on a page marked as different tickets

Break it down. Into thin vertical slices.

That's in the title

What are thin vertical slices?

What are thin vertical slices?

Accuracy of estimates drop as complexity or size increases.

Like making a to-do list.

Break epics into individual, actionable pieces of work.

Framing them as stories

It's easier to think about what a user should now be able to do when the thing is done.

Let's call that a User Story

User Story
As a    I want to    so that   .

An identified audience or user persona wants to perform a single action to accomplish a goal.

Not a Scrum requirement — an optional extra.

Example A: Cyclist

As a cyclist, I want to stop the bike so that I don't get hurt.

Three Gotchas with Stories


Should be an actual audience. Be skeptical of “As a user,” stories.


Avoid technical prescription. Be focused and narrow.


Don't add surprise functionality here → that's a new story.

Example B: Don't Do This

Bad Story
As a user,
I would like to create an account during check-out
so that I can see a dashboard with all my past orders.

Example C: This is better

Better Story
As a customer,
I would like to save my shipping information
so that I don't have to enter it for each order.

Thin Slices

Break down your epics.
Bite-sized pieces of work.
Be user and goal focused.
Consider user stories.

What are thin vertical slices?

Top-to-bottom implementation of a deliverable feature.

A slice of cake

not a layer of cake.

Frontend, backend, components, databases, module install, content modeling, design.
Everything a user would need to use the feature complete the story.

A layer cake, with each layer labeled as Model, View, then Controller.
Animation from Portal

Push Past the Pushback…

Everyone will agree that this sounds like a great idea.

…because there will be Pushback


This is not the most efficient way for an engineer to build something if they have perfect knowledge.

Frontend and Backend Tickets?

Please no.

Keep tickets user/goal/value focused.

Splitting tickets splits team, harder to track progress.

Multiple people can work on a single ticket.

And here's why

Split tickets? → Challenges of waterfall

Waterfall diagram showing backend and frontend split, with a warning

Instead, we have tools for this

In Jira, consider extra board columns or subtasks

A scrum/kanban board with frontend and backend columns
An abbreviated view of a Jira issue showing subtasks

Thin Vertical Slices enable Iteration and Rapid Delivery

Keeps team in sync, working on the same areas.

Divides up big work into deliverable segments.

Reduces waste and cost as requirements change.

How do we estimate slices?

Hours? Story points!

Estimate Work by Complexity

Story Points
Estimate the complexity of a task compared to others, rather than the time someone thinks it would take to make.

Why not estimate hours?

Who's hours?

What's included?

Client expectations?

We can agree on complexity.

Two meaningless charts, one looks simple and one looks complicated.

Add and theme a link field on a page. Easy peasy.

Add taxonomy-powered faceting to a Solr search. Uh oh.

And from there, we can extrapolate a timeline

A sketch velocity chart

Over time, the number of story points a team can build in a sprint or given work cycle will tend toward an average.

Informed Choices

Knowing a team's velocity and stories' sizes, the Product Owner can make an informed choice about what goes in a sprint.

Don't share your point math

Velocity ÷ Hours per Cycle = Points per Hour

Just keep it to yourself.

So... how?

Planning Poker, Spreadsheet Reveal, Shouting

Whatever works for your team, but the team picks the size, not the PO/stakeholders.

With “Pseudo Fibonacci” Numbers

Or: A scale that accounts for uncertainty at size.

1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 20, 40

1 = Check one box.
It's never just a 1.

20 or 40? Epic.
Break it down.

Not pictured:
2, 40, and 100.

Encourage your team to pick a size by comparing the scope of other stories, not time estimates.

Stick to the Sizes

Don't use numbers in the middle. Round up to account for complexity and unknowns. Round down to timebox.

Don't change size retroactively if easier or harder than anticipated. Trends will reflect in velocity.

How can our tools help?

Sample workflow and reports from Jira.


To split the “layers” of a ticket.

Show subtasks from an issue detail view
  • Subtasks track through sprints until the parent closes.
  • Assign different people, different statuses to each piece.
  • Each task has its own detail view and comment threads.


To add workflow steps

  • If each ticket needs the same steps in the same order.
  • Team members can remain assigned or hand-off.
  • Counterpoint: this can get messy if it gets too broad.
A Jira board with way too many columns

Subtasks or Columns

Use subtasks for pieces of the work, and use columns to represent the workflow.

Velocity Chart

To visualize how fast story points are completed

Jira's Velocity chart
  • Timeline of sprints, points committed, and points completed.
  • Lots of missed goals here, new team member added in Sprint 6.
  • Even with ambitious commitments, we knew to expect 60-ish points per sprint.

Version Report

Jira's Version Report

Version Report


  • Timeline of total issues and completed issues by points
  • Adds line from 0 to current points, current date
  • Extrapolates from current to completed points
  • Resulting in estimated date
Jira's Version Report

Release Burndown

Jira's Release Burndown Chart

Release Burndown

An alternate view of the Version Report

Similar info to the version report, but shows scope creep more clearly and recommends remaining sprints instead of release date.

Jira's Release Burndown Chart

All this for free!

with story points, vertical slices, and a regular two-week sprint.

…and pay a zillion dollars for Jira.

I made References

Thank You

Slides and Resources on GitHub:

tsmith512 on Github, LinkedIn,, Twitter, and Instagram.